The Pros and Cons and Prophecy

Prophecy in Storytelling Prophecy is a favourite fantasy trope, and it can be used to great effect if you’re thoughtful about it. Before you dive in to planning your oracle’s speech, or working out how to turn your prediction into a poem, it’s worth having a think about the pros and cons of introducing a …

Does Your First Draft Have To Be Bad?

First drafts are always bad. Right? Well, maybe, maybe not. This oft-repeated bit of writing wisdom gets very mixed responses, including people being offended that aspersions are being cast on their hard work, people feeling discouraged at the prospect of putting a lot of time and effort into something destined to be crap, and people …

In Defence of Fanfiction

Recently, a friend of mine uploaded a video talking about some of the common misconceptions around fanfiction, and mounting a comprehensive rebuttal of those. It made me think about my own history with fanfiction, and I wanted to contribute my own defence of a practice which I think is unfairly maligned. My experience of fanfiction …

Tiers of Characters

It can be tough, managing a large cast of characters, working out how to give them all the right amount of page time, deciding who needs developing and who doesn’t. One way to look at this is to know how you’re categorising your different characters. There are a bunch of ways to do this, of …